西埃尔帕索十字路口的撞车涉及一辆越野车,一辆车翻过,没有受伤报告。 Crash at West El Paso intersection involves RV, one vehicle rolls over; no injuries reported.
星期日下午7时30分左右,在西埃尔帕索的Sunland Park博士和Doniphan博士十字路口发生了一起包括一辆RV在内的两辆车的坠毁事件。 On Sunday around 7:30 p.m., a crash involving two vehicles, including an RV, occurred at the intersection of Sunland Park Dr. and Doniphan Dr. in West El Paso. 一辆车翻转,但没有伤亡报告。 One vehicle rolled over, but no injuries were reported. 警方和消防队对现场作出反应。 Police and fire crews responded to the scene. 随着更多资料的提供,将提供进一步更新。 Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.