英国女人和南非男人被发现死在越南的一座别墅里, British woman and South African man found dead at a villa in Vietnam; alcohol involved.
12月26日, 一名英国女性与一名南非男子在越南Hoi An的Hoa Ch旅游者别墅被发现死亡。 A British woman and a South African man were found dead at the Hoa Ch Tourist Villa in Hoi An, Vietnam, on December 26. 他们从7月4日起就一直住在别墅。 They had been staying at the villa since July 4. 当地警察正在调查死亡事件,这些死亡事件没有外部力量的迹象,但接近几瓶空酒。 Local police are investigating the deaths, which show no signs of external force but are near several empty alcohol bottles. 此案是继一名英国游客在泰国因对致幻蘑菇的反应而死亡之后发生的。 This case follows a British tourist's death in Thailand from a reaction to hallucinogenic mushrooms.