昆士兰州东南部为热浪过后的大雨和潜在的山洪暴发做好准备。 South-east Queensland braces for heavy rain and potential flash flooding after a heatwave.
昆士兰州东南部从周一开始面临严重的风暴和潜在的山洪暴发,此前为期三天的热浪,布里斯班的气温超过 30°C,伊普斯维奇的气温超过 40°C。 South-east Queensland faces severe storms and potential flash flooding starting Monday, following a three-day heatwave with temperatures over 30°C in Brisbane and 40°C in Ipswich. 卡伦德拉和摩顿岛以南的雷暴已经造成了大雨,周一早些时候在卡伦德拉附近记录了 75 毫米的降雨量。 Thunderstorms south of Caloundra and Moreton Island have already caused heavy rain, with 75 millimeters recorded near Caloundra early Monday. 气象局已针对该地区发布警告。 The Bureau of Meteorology has issued warnings for the region.