英国人民党批评Rahul Gandhi在哀悼Manmohan Singh期间前往越南旅行。 BJP criticizes Rahul Gandhi for Vietnam trip during mourning period for Manmohan Singh.
印度人民党批评拉胡尔甘地在印度对前总理曼莫汉·辛格的七天哀悼期间前往越南, The BJP criticized Rahul Gandhi for traveling to Vietnam during India's seven-day mourning period for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, calling it disrespectful. 国大党为甘地辩护,认为他的私人旅行是预先计划的,并质疑印度人民党为什么担心。 The Congress party defended Gandhi, arguing that his private trip was pre-planned and questioned why the BJP was concerned. 人民党和国会还就Singh遗骸的处理及其火葬地点发生冲突。 The BJP and Congress also clashed over the treatment of Singh's remains and the location of his cremation.