阿索查姆敦促各国政府在2025-26年预算内通过基础设施、教育和信贷改革支持微小中型企业。 Assocham urges government to support MSMEs through infrastructure, education, and credit reforms in 2025-26 budget.
印度联合工商会(阿索查姆)促请政府在即将到来的2025-26年预算中支持微型、小型和中型企业。 The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) has urged the government to support Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the upcoming 2025-26 budget. 建议包括:建立综合基础设施乡镇和大学,促进技能发展;扩大推定征税,以简化遵守情况;通过授权银行披露无抵押贷款,增加向中小微企业的信贷流动。 Recommendations include creating integrated infrastructure townships and universities for skill development, extending presumptive taxation to simplify compliance, and enhancing credit flow to MSMEs by mandating banks to disclose collateral-free loans.