阿根廷的紧缩削减了通货膨胀,刺激了财政盈余,但贫穷却猛增至50%,有复苏迹象。 Argentine austerity cuts inflation, boost fiscal surplus, but poverty spikes to 50%, with recovery signs.
阿根廷总统米利(Milei)的紧缩措施已经将通货膨胀降至四年来的最低点,并实现了财政盈余,但贫困率却猛增到50%,是20年来最高的。 Argentine President Milei's austerity measures have cut inflation to its lowest in four years and achieved a fiscal surplus, but poverty has surged to 50%, its highest in two decades. 尽管造成经济衰退和失业率上升,但仍有复苏的迹象,世界银行预测2025年经济扩张5%。 Despite causing a recession and rising unemployment, there are signs of recovery, with the World Bank predicting a 5% economic expansion in 2025. 中央银行还获得外汇储备。 The central bank has also gained foreign currency reserves.