American Lithium Corp. 搬到OTCQX,这是一个美国市场,标准严格,今天生效。 American Lithium Corp. moves to OTCQX, a U.S. market with strict standards, effective today.
American Lithium Corp. 有资格在OTCQX最佳市场进行交易, American Lithium Corp. has qualified to trade on the OTCQX Best Market, a move from NASDAQ, effective December 30, 2024, under the symbol "AMLIF." OTCQX提供进入美国资本市场的有效渠道,金融标准高,符合证券法。 The OTCQX provides efficient access to U.S. capital markets with high financial standards and compliance with securities laws. 美洲锂侧重于在内华达和秘鲁开发锂项目,以及在拉丁美洲开发一个大型铀项目,所有这些项目都得到社区支持。 American Lithium focuses on developing lithium projects in Nevada and Peru, along with a major uranium project in Latin America, all with community support.