12岁的男孩在注意到母亲生病时打电话给急诊处,挽救母亲的生命。 12-year-old boy saves mother's life by calling emergency services when he noticed her illness.
一名来自剑桥郡的12岁男孩名叫Christian,在发现母亲身体不适时打999电话,拯救了母亲的生命。 A 12-year-old boy named Christian from Cambridgeshire saved his mother's life by calling 999 when he noticed she was unwell. 他的迅速行动导致紧急服务及时抵达,基督徒帮助他们与母亲联系。 His quick actions led to the timely arrival of emergency services, who were helped by Christian in reaching his mother. 剑桥郡警察和英格兰东区救护服务 NSS Trust都感谢基督徒的迅速果断行为 Both Cambridgeshire Police and the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust have thanked Christian for his swift and decisive behavior.