X 取消了马斯克移民立场的批评者的验证徽章和货币化。 X removes verification badges and monetization from critics of Musk's immigration stances.
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的社交媒体平台 X 在包括劳拉·卢默 (Laura Loomer) 在内的几位保守派用户报告称在批评马斯克对 H-1B 签证和移民政策的支持后失去了他们的蓝色验证徽章和货币化功能,因此受到抨击。 Elon Musk's social media platform X is under fire after several conservative users, including Laura Loomer, reported losing their blue verification badges and monetization features after criticizing Musk's support for H-1B visas and immigration policies. 马斯克没有直接发表评论,但他之前曾表示,如果用户经常被屏蔽或静音,该平台的算法会减少用户的覆盖范围。 Musk has not commented directly, but he previously stated that the platform's algorithm reduces user reach if they are frequently blocked or muted. 在当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)领导下关于未来移民政策的辩论中,争议加剧了。 The controversy has intensified amid debates on future immigration policies under President-elect Donald Trump.