英国首相基尔·斯塔默 (Keir Starmer) 哀悼他的兄弟尼克 (Nick),他在与癌症作斗争后去世,享年 60 岁。 UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer mourns his brother Nick, who died at 60 after battling cancer.
英国首相基尔·斯塔默爵士 (Sir Keir Starmer) 向他的兄弟尼克致敬,尼克在与癌症作斗争后于节礼日去世,享年 60 岁。 UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer paid tribute to his brother Nick, who died on Boxing Day at age 60 after battling cancer. Nick 一生都面临挑战,包括学习困难,但 Keir 将他描述为一个“了不起的人”,他以勇气迎接生活中的障碍。 Nick faced challenges throughout his life, including learning difficulties, but was described by Keir as a "wonderful man" who met life's obstacles with courage. 基尔本来打算和家人一起去度假,但在失去亲人后决定留在家里。 Keir had planned to go on holiday with his family but decided to stay home following the loss. 各党派的政治人物都向斯塔默一家表示哀悼。 Political figures across parties offered condolences to the Starmer family.