两名年长的邻居死于东北休斯顿家庭火灾;他们12岁的孙子发现了烟雾。 Two elderly neighbors died in a Northeast Houston home fire; their 12-year-old grandson discovered the smoke.
周六清晨在东北休斯顿家中发生火灾后, 两名年长的邻居被发现死亡。 Two elderly neighbors were found dead after a fire in their Northeast Houston home early Saturday morning. 12岁的孙子注意到烟雾,并报警。 The 12-year-old grandson noticed smoke and called the police. 消防员因入室抢劫而面临挑战,发现这对夫妇在卧室中昏迷不醒。 Firefighters faced challenges due to burglar bars and found the couple unconscious in a bedroom. 尽管采取了挽救生命的措施,但他们没有生存下来。 Despite life-saving measures, they did not survive. 房子没有可见的烟雾探测器,起火似乎始于客厅。 The house had no visible smoke detectors, and the fire seems to have started in the living room. 没有任何犯规的证据。 There is no evidence of foul play.