热成像无人机在田纳西森林发现了两名失落的猎人,包括一名9岁的猎人,没有受伤。 Thermal imaging drones found two lost hunters, including a 9-year-old, unharmed in Tennessee woods.
田纳西州哈丁县消防局在五分钟内使用热成像无人机发现了两名失猎猎人,一名成年猎人和一名9岁猎人。 Two lost hunters, an adult and a 9-year-old, were found within five minutes using thermal imaging drones by the Hardin County Fire Department in Tennessee. 猎人打911 但他们的手机在定位之前就挂了 The hunters called 911 but their phone died before their location could be pinpointed. 在沃克分局野生生物管理区发现两人均未受伤,并被引向安全地带。 Both were found unharmed in the Walker Branch Wildlife Management Area and guided to safety.