共和党选民在2024年赢得了大胜 包括特朗普的宾夕法尼亚州胜利 以及卢泽恩县的历史性转变 Republican voters secured major wins in 2024, including Trump's Pennsylvania victory and a historic shift in Luzerne County.
共和党选民因其重大选举胜利而被评为2024年的新闻制造者, 包括唐纳德特朗普在宾夕法尼亚州以超过12万票的优势获胜. Republican voters were named the newsmakers of 2024 for their significant election victories, including Donald Trump's win in Pennsylvania by over 120,000 votes. GOP还清扫了各州的办公室,并将民主党的注册人数从2016年的900,000人减少到216,892人。 The GOP also swept state offices and narrowed the Democrats' registration lead from over 900,000 in 2016 to 216,892. 在卢泽恩县,共和党自1970年代以来首次获得登记优势,标志着代际转变。 In Luzerne County, the Republican Party gained a registration advantage for the first time since the 1970s, marking a generational shift.