在包括两名青年在内的三人在加拿大Airdrie被刺伤后,加拿大皇家骑警逮捕了一名嫌疑人。 RCMP arrested a suspect after three people, including two youths, were stabbed in Airdrie, Canada.
包括两名青少年在内的三人在威廉斯敦附近被刺伤后,皇家骑警在Airdrie逮捕了一名嫌疑人。 RCMP arrested a suspect in Airdrie after three people, including two youths, were stabbed near Williamstown. 两名受害者住院治疗,两人病情严重,但情况稳定,一人伤势不重。 Victims were hospitalized with two in serious but stable condition and one with non-life-threatening injuries. 警方使用一架直升机找到并逮捕嫌疑人,嫌疑人面临多项指控。 Police used a helicopter to locate and arrest the suspect, who faces multiple charges. 该事件被描述为孤立事件,没有持续的公共安全风险。 The incident is described as isolated with no ongoing public safety risk.