牛津郡理事会和学生敦促联合王国政府对当地河流的污水污染采取行动。 Oxfordshire council and students urge UK government action on sewage pollution in local rivers.
牛津郡理事会和Rushmore初级生态学校的学生敦促联合王国政府解决英国河流的污水污染问题。 Oxfordshire council and students from Rushmore Primary Eco School are urging the UK government to tackle sewage pollution in English rivers. 他们会见了副部长Emma Hardy,强调泰晤士河水公司今年向牛津郡西部河流排放了22 000多小时的污水。 They met with Under-Secretary Emma Hardy, highlighting that Thames Water has discharged raw sewage into west Oxfordshire rivers for over 22,000 hours this year. 该理事会和一个地方伙伴关系正在与泰晤士河水组织合作,解决基础设施缺口和防止进一步污染。 The council and a local partnership are working with Thames Water to address infrastructure gaps and prevent further pollution.