北朝鲜的关键政党会议确定了2025年的政策,重点是经济增长和对美国更强硬的立场。 North Korea's key party meeting set policies for 2025, focusing on economic growth and a tougher stance against the U.S.
北朝鲜在金正恩的领导下,于12月23日至27日举行了一次关键政党会议,审查2023年的成就,制定2025年的政策,重点是经济增长和提高生活水平。 North Korea held a key party meeting from December 23 to 27, led by Kim Jong Un, to review 2023 achievements and set policies for 2025, focusing on economic growth and improved living standards. 金强调反对美国并增强军事能力的强硬立场。 Kim emphasized a tough stance against the U.S. and enhancing military capabilities. 会议还宣布了重大的人事变动,包括担任新总理的朴 Thae Song和担任政治局成员的Choe Son Hui等。 The meeting also announced significant personnel changes, including Pak Thae Song as the new premier and Choe Son Hui as a member of the Political Bureau.