尼斯库里部落庆祝新年, 荣誉鲑鱼, 在担心鱼类数量减少。 Nisqually Tribe celebrates New Year, honors salmon, amid concerns over declining fish populations.
Nisqulally Indian部落于12月21日庆祝冬季月落, 庆祝新年, 并尊重他们与鲑鱼的神圣关系, The Nisqually Indian Tribe celebrated their Winter Moon Solstice on December 21, marking their New Year and honoring their sacred bond with salmon, a "first food" central to their creation story. 庆祝活动包括营火、传统歌曲和祈祷,但活动还突出表明了对鲑鱼种群因过度捕捞、伐木、污染和生境损失而减少的关切。 The celebration included a bonfire, traditional songs, and prayers, but the event also highlighted concerns over declining salmon populations due to overfishing, logging, pollution, and habitat loss. 这些问题威胁到该部落的文化传统和与环境的精神联系。 These issues threaten the tribe's cultural traditions and spiritual connection to the environment.