男子通过在视频通话中展示小狗来智取骗子,揭露了“数字逮捕”欺诈。 Man outwits scammer by showing puppy on video call, exposing "digital arrest" fraud.
孟买一名男子在视频电话中把他的小狗抓在镜头前, 以Andheri East警官的身份装扮出骗子, A man in Mumbai outsmarted a scammer posing as an Andheri East police officer by holding his puppy in front of the camera during a video call. 骗子本以为能看到这名男子的脸,却猝不及防地挂断了电话。 The scammer, expecting to see the man's face, was caught off guard and hung up. 该事件凸显了一种常见的“数字逮捕”骗局,因其揭露欺诈行为的幽默方式而风靡一时。 The incident, which highlights a common "digital arrest" scam, has gone viral for its humorous approach to exposing the fraud.