拉各斯电影节强调代表性不足的故事,旨在使尼日利亚电影院多样化。 Lagos film festival highlights underrepresented stories, aiming to diversify Nigerian cinema.
尼日利亚拉各斯的电影节以尼日利亚主流电影院一般不见的故事为焦点。 A film festival in Lagos, Nigeria, is spotlighting stories not typically seen in mainstream Nigerian cinema. 它旨在为多样化和代表性不足的叙事提供一个平台,促进该国电影业中更广泛的声音和观点。 It aims to offer a platform for diverse and underrepresented narratives, promoting a broader range of voices and perspectives in the country's film industry. 该节日旨在挑战传统故事,并深化尼日利亚电影的文化代表性。 The festival seeks to challenge conventional storytelling and deepen the cultural representation in Nigerian films.