Fresno夫妇因持有儿童性虐待材料而被捕;妻子(一名儿童保育工作者)后来被保释。 Fresno couple arrested for possessing child sexual abuse material; wife, a childcare worker, was later released on bail.
Robinson Thao(26岁)和他的妻子Lily Chang(24岁)于12月13日在Fresno县因持有儿童性虐待材料被捕。 Robinson Thao, 26, and his wife Lily Chang, 24, were arrested in Fresno County on December 13 for possessing child sexual abuse material. Chang, 在当地育儿中心工作, 保释, 第二天被释放。 Chang, who worked at a local childcare center, posted bail and was released the next day. Thao面临多项重罪指控,包括针对未成年人的性犯罪,而Chang则因持有非法材料而面临重罪指控。 Thao faces multiple felony charges, including sex crimes against minors, while Chang faces a felony charge for possessing illegal material. Fresno县警长办公室正在要求公众提供更多资料。 The Fresno County Sheriff's Office is seeking additional information from the public.