Diljit Dosanjh抵达古瓦哈提参加音乐会, 在社交媒体辩论期间结束他的巡回演出。 Diljit Dosanjh arrives in Guwahati for a concert, wrapping up his tour amid social media debates.
旁遮普超级明星Diljit Dosanjh于12月29日抵达瓜瓦哈提参加音乐会, Punjabi superstar Diljit Dosanjh arrived in Guwahati for a concert on December 29, attracting a large crowd of fans. Dosanjh因在印度的流行音乐会而闻名, 最近在社交媒体上讨论旁遮普语拼写问题的“阴谋”, Known for his popular concerts in India, Dosanjh recently addressed a "conspiracy" about the spelling of Punjab on social media, noting the challenges of the English language for non-native speakers. 他将于12月31日在卢迪亚纳完成Dil-Luminati的印度之行。 He is concluding the India leg of his Dil-Luminati tour on December 31 in Ludhiana.