Bicester在2024年看到政治转变、社区庆祝活动和当地影响。 Bicester saw political shifts, community celebrations, and local impacts in 2024.
2024年,比塞斯特看到自由民主党赢得一个新的选区席位,庆祝当地成员俱乐部100周年,并主办了成功的第四次比塞斯特自豪节。 In 2024, Bicester saw the Liberal Democrats win a new constituency seat, celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the local members club, and hosted a successful fourth Bicester Pride festival. 居民Hollie Peabody进入了ITV《之声》的半决赛。 Resident Hollie Peabody reached the semi-finals of ITV's The Voice. 该镇批准在希普街进行骑自行车试验,并面临因铁路路线改变而可能关闭伦敦公路过境点的风险。 The town approved a cycling trial on Sheep Street and faced potential closure of the London Road Crossing due to rail route changes. 水世界是一家长时期的商店,30年后关闭。 World of Water, a longtime store, closed after 30 years.