Ardross Castle, 在英国广播公司的“叛徒”专栏, 是一个私有的,18世纪的苏格兰城堡,正在修复中。 Ardross Castle, featured in BBC's "The Traitors," is a privately owned, 18th-century Scottish castle under restoration.
Ardross Castle, BBC的《叛徒》的布景, 是苏格兰因弗内斯以北30英里处的18世纪的州立家园。 Ardross Castle, the setting for BBC's "The Traitors," is an 18th-century stately home 30 miles north of Inverness, Scotland. 该城堡已多次改变所有权,是私人拥有的,正在由麦克塔格特家族修复。 The castle, which has changed ownership multiple times, is privately owned and undergoing restoration by the McTaggart family. 它不向公众开放,允许访问或过夜,但可以私人雇用。 It is not open to the public for visits or overnight stays but can be privately hired. 偏远地区是一个小型农村社区的家园。 The remote area is home to a small rural community.