一名31岁的堪萨斯男子在一次警察追逐中死亡,当时他失窃的车辆在70号州际公路坠毁。 A 31-year-old Kansas man died after a police chase when his stolen vehicle crashed on Interstate 70.
一个31岁的堪萨斯人 Brian Trober 在维昂多特县的 70号州际公路被警方追捕后死亡 A 31-year-old Kansas man, Brian Trober, died after a police chase on Interstate 70 in Wyandotte County. Trober过去曾犯过罪, 开着一辆2006年失窃的Chevy小卡车, 但没有车牌, Trober, with a history of criminal convictions, was driving a stolen 2006 Chevy pickup without a license plate when the chase began. 他的车辆失去控制,撞上护栏,倒入沟渠。 His vehicle lost control, hit a guardrail, and overturned into a ditch. Trober在KU医疗中心死亡,他的乘客住院治疗。 Trober died at KU Medical Center, and his passenger is hospitalized. 堪萨斯公路巡逻队没有透露追捕的原因。 The Kansas Highway Patrol did not disclose the reason for the pursuit.