随着恶劣天气风险的持续,一场微弱的 EF-0 龙卷风袭击了圣坦曼尼教区,造成了轻微损失。 A weak EF-0 tornado hit St. Tammany Parish, causing minor damage, as severe weather risks continue.
国家气象局证实,星期五上午,在路易斯安那州圣塔马尼教区,发生了一场弱小的EF-0龙卷风,对树木和屋顶造成轻微破坏。 The National Weather Service confirmed a weak EF-0 tornado touched down in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, on Friday morning, causing minor damage to trees and a roof. 龙卷风的风速为每小时80英里, 持续了大约8分钟, 飞行了1.94英里。 The tornado had winds of 80 miles per hour, lasted about eight minutes, and traveled 1.94 miles. 气象服务警告说,在周末,天气风险继续严重,包括风、冰雹和孤立龙卷风的破坏。 The weather service warns of continued severe weather risks, including damaging winds, hail, and isolated tornadoes, over the weekend.