超级微型公司由于金融问题而面临除名威胁,但其不断增长的AI业务和较低的P/E比率吸引投资者。 Supermicro faces delisting threats due to financial issues, but its growing AI business and low P/E ratio attract investors.
超级微型硬件制造商面临会计指控和财务报告延误等挑战,可能导致Nasdaq除名。 Supermicro, a hardware maker, is facing challenges like accounting allegations and delays in financial reporting, potentially leading to Nasdaq delisting. 尽管存在这些问题,该公司的业务,特别是大赦国际的业务正在增长,其股票现在的P/E比率低,为9.9。 Despite these issues, the company's business, especially in AI, is growing, and its stock now has a low P/E ratio of 9.9. 这使得尽管目前存在不确定因素,股票仍具有潜在的吸引力。 This makes the stock potentially attractive despite current uncertainties.