斯里兰卡国会议员对旨在阻止妇女参政的在线攻击提出投诉。 Sri Lankan MP files complaint over online attacks aimed at discouraging women in politics.
斯里兰卡全国人民权力党议员Kaushalya Ariyarathne博士向刑事调查局提出申诉,指控她受到虚假信息和针对社交媒体的个人攻击。 Dr. Kaushalya Ariyarathne, an MP from Sri Lanka's National People's Power party, has filed a complaint with the Criminal Investigation Department over false information and personal attacks on social media targeting her. 她说,这些袭击的目的是阻止妇女参政,但发誓不会成功。 She stated that these attacks aim to discourage women from participating in politics but vowed they would not succeed. 敦促当局进行调查,对责任人采取行动。 Authorities are urged to investigate and take action against those responsible.