Nolan Cormier被判8个月监禁, 罪名是开车射击, Nolan Cormier sentenced to eight months for drive-by shooting as getaway driver.
22岁的Nolan Cormier被判处八个月的有条件释放,包括四个月的软禁和四个宵禁,罪名是两年多前在新苏德伯里驾车枪击案中担任离家出走司机。 Nolan Cormier, 22, was sentenced to eight months of conditional release, including four months of house arrest and four with a curfew, for being the getaway driver in a New Sudbury drive-by shooting over two years ago. 法官还实施了为期两年的缓刑、DNA令和10年武器禁令。 The judge also imposed a two-year probation, DNA order, and 10-year weapons ban. Cormier必须避免与遭到枪击的4名居民接触,并参加药物滥用咨询。 Cormier must avoid contact with the four residents shot at and attend substance abuse counseling.