尼日利亚向顶级律师支付超过11亿奈尔的服务费,引起对透明度的担忧。 Nigeria pays top lawyers over N1.1 billion for services, sparking transparency concerns.
尼日利亚政府已向包括Afe Babalola和Wole Olanipekun在内的顶级律师支付超过11亿奈拉, The Nigerian government has paid over N1.1 billion to top lawyers, including Afe Babalola and Wole Olanipekun, for legal services over three years, according to data from the expenditure tracking platform GovSpend. 服务包括法律咨询、文件起草和法庭代理。 Services included legal advice, document drafting, and court representation. 尽管已制定了法律费用准则,但支付的款项引起了关于透明度和问责制的问题。 The payments raise questions about transparency and accountability, despite established guidelines for legal fees.