I-80在爱荷华州Malcom附近发生多车辆撞车事件,造成高速公路停机、受伤和延误。 Multi-vehicle crash on I-80 near Malcom, Iowa, causes highway shutdown, injuries, and delays.
在爱荷华州Malcom附近的80号州际公路发生多车辆撞车事故,导致公路完全关闭,双向都受到影响。 A multi-vehicle crash on Interstate 80 near Malcom, Iowa, led to a complete shutdown of the highway affecting both directions. 事件发生在191号出口和197号出口之间的星期五下午6时左右,造成重伤和交通严重延误。 The incident, which occurred Friday around 6 p.m. between Exit 191 and Exit 197, has caused serious injuries and significant traffic delays. 当局建议公众避开这一地区,并通过爱荷华州交通图和KCCI应用程序提供最新消息。 Authorities advise the public to avoid the area and provide updates through the Iowa DOT's traffic map and the KCCI app.