一名摩托车司机在惠特丘奇-斯托夫维尔的第九线和胡佛公园大道附近发生事故中死亡. A motorcyclist died in a crash near Ninth Line and Hoover Park Drive in Whitchurch-Stouffville.
在安大略Whitchurch-Stouffville,第九线附近和胡佛公园道发生了致命的车祸,造成一名摩托车手死亡。 A fatal crash occurred in Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario, near Ninth Line and Hoover Park Drive, resulting in the death of a motorcyclist. 事发于星期六清晨,受害者被送往医院,后来死亡。 The incident happened early Saturday morning, with the victim being taken to a hospital where he later died. 坠机原因不明,道路仍然关闭,供约克地区警察局调查。 The cause of the crash is unknown, and the roads remain closed for an investigation by York Regional Police.