Kylie Jenner在圣诞节假期在Instagram上分享了她儿子Aire的罕见照片。 Kylie Jenner shared rare photos of her son Aire on Instagram during the Christmas holiday.
Reality Star Kylie Jenner分享了她两岁儿子Aire在圣诞时在Instagram的珍稀照片, Reality star Kylie Jenner shared rare photos of her two-year-old son, Aire, on Instagram during Christmas, showing him among gifts and toys. 这些照片是在她的Hide Hills豪宅拍摄的, 是Aire罕见的一瞥, Aire通常被公众视而不见。 The photos, taken at her Hidden Hills mansion, are a rare glimpse of Aire, who is usually kept out of the public eye. 詹纳还张贴了自己穿着白色礼服的自拍。 Jenner also posted a selfie of herself in a white dress. Kardashian -Jenner一家在肯德尔比佛利山的豪宅 度过了一个低调的圣诞夜 The Kardashian-Jenner family had a low-key Christmas Eve at Kendall's Beverly Hills mansion.