爱尔兰警方和家人曾寻求公众帮助寻找失踪的Edward "Ned " Harty的下落,后者后来被安全地找到。 Irish police and family had sought public help to locate missing Edward "Ned" Harty, who was later found safe.
爱尔兰警方正在寻求公众帮助, 寻找52岁的Edward "Ned" Harty, 从12月19日起失踪在罗斯克里亚的家中, The Irish police are seeking public help to locate 52-year-old Edward "Ned" Harty, missing from his home in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, since December 19th. 内德被描述为6尺2寸" 深褐色头发,蓝眼睛,薄体 Ned is described as 6'2" with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a thin build. 他的家属和警察关心他的安康。 His family and the police are concerned for his well-being. 任何人如掌握情报,应与Nenagh Garda站、Garda保密线或任何Garda站联系。 Anyone with information should contact Nenagh Garda Station, the Garda Confidential Line, or any Garda Station. 然而,最近的最新消息表明,Ned被发现安全、安好。 However, recent updates indicate Ned has been found safe and well.