Gardners Candies 召回 Cappuccino Meltaway Bars,原因是未申报腰果,有发生过敏反应的风险。 Gardners Candies recalls Cappuccino Meltaway Bars due to undeclared cashews, risking allergic reactions.
Gardners Candies 已召回其卡布奇诺 Meltaway Bars 和 Meltaway Treat Box,因为未申报的腰果对坚果过敏的人构成严重风险。 Gardners Candies has issued a recall for its Cappuccino Meltaway Bars and Meltaway Treat Box due to undeclared cashews, posing a serious risk to those with nut allergies. 9月1日以来销售的产品被重新召回,这些产品按具体批量数字确定,并在全国和网上分发。 The recall affects products sold since September 1, identified by specific lot numbers, and distributed nationwide and online. 没有报告任何疾病,问题源于公司生产过程暂时中断。 No illnesses have been reported, and the issue stems from a temporary breakdown in the company's production processes.