前新奥尔良牧师Lawrence Hecker,93岁,因1975年罪行被判终身监禁后死亡。 Former New Orleans priest Lawrence Hecker, 93, died after being sentenced to life for 1975 crimes.
前新奥尔良牧师Lawrence Hecker,93岁,在1975年因强奸和绑架一名青少年而被判终身监禁后不久死亡。 Former New Orleans priest Lawrence Hecker, 93, died shortly after being sentenced to life in prison for raping and kidnapping a teenager in 1975. Hecker对指控认罪,避免了审判,因为审判本可以透露天主教会处理虐待案件的更多细节。 Hecker pleaded guilty to the charges, avoiding a trial that would have exposed further details of the Catholic Church's handling of abuse cases. 他的定罪是针对教会的一波指控的一部分,导致新奥尔良大主教管区的破产谈判。 His conviction is part of a wave of allegations against the church, leading to bankruptcy negotiations for the Archdiocese of New Orleans.