农场主Tracy Murphy的牛盗窃案在发现利益冲突后被驳回。 Farm sanctuary owner Tracy Murphy's cow theft case dismissed after conflict of interest was found.
对Newfane农场保护区业主Tracy Murphy的偷牛案没有采取进一步的法律行动,就结案了。 The cow theft case against Tracy Murphy, owner of a Newfane farm sanctuary, has concluded without further legal action. Niagara县检察官没有就驳回刑事指控提出上诉,而刑事指控是在发现州警察调查员与申诉人有关联之后提出的。 Niagara County prosecutors did not appeal the dismissal of criminal charges, which occurred after discovering that the state police investigator was related to the complainant. Murphy拒绝了要求她认罪的认罪协议 导致案件被驳回 Murphy rejected a plea deal requiring her to admit guilt, leading to the case's dismissal.