名人安妮塔·拉尼 (Anita Rani) 在黑斯廷斯 (Hastings) 小屋发现附近的人行道后,放弃了在“逃往乡村”(Escape to the Country) 中的房屋搜索。 Celebrity Anita Rani quit her home search on "Escape to the Country" after spotting a nearby walking path at a Hastings cottage.
名人安妮塔·拉尼 (Anita Rani) 在 BBC 的“逃往乡村”节目中停止了寻找新的乡村住宅,因为她在一次房产参观中发现了一个关键细节。 Celebrity Anita Rani halted her search for a new country home on BBC's "Escape to the Country" after spotting a critical detail during a property tour. 以875 000英镑的预算,Rani在离伦敦90分钟的时间内寻找一间适合娱乐的奇特的两间卧室家。 With an £875,000 budget, Rani sought a quirky two-bedroom home with a view, suitable for entertaining, and within 90 minutes of London. 当她注意到附近的一条步行道时,她的搜索在黑斯廷斯的一间小屋戛然而止,认为这不适合她。 Her search ended abruptly at a Hastings cottage when she noticed a nearby walking path, deciding it wasn't right for her.