Belleville警察处理了98个电话,包括寻找失踪人员和调查轮胎切割和盗窃案件。 Belleville police handled 98 calls, including searches for missing persons and investigations into tire slashings and theft.
12月25日至27日, 贝勒维尔警方响应98通电话, 包括搜寻26岁失踪的Andrew Robinson, Between December 25 and 27, Belleville Police responded to 98 calls, including searching for missing 26-year-old Andrew Robinson last seen on Dec. 23. 他们还调查了10起轮胎切割案,2009年一辆现代埃兰特拉汽车被盗,并指控一名妇女驾驶无执照。 They also investigated 10 tire slashings, a stolen 2009 Hyundai Elantra, and charged a woman for driving without a license. 同时,在Trent Severn水路附近寻找一名男性没有结果,在7号公路发生碰撞后,驾驶力受损。 Meanwhile, a search for a male near the Trent Severn Waterway yielded no results, and an impaired driving charge followed a collision on Highway 7.