犹他州加大了驱逐非法移民罪犯的力度,重点是帮派成员。 Utah intensifies efforts to deport criminal illegal immigrants, focusing on gang members.
犹他州正在加紧努力,帮助当选总统唐纳德·特朗普驱逐出境,重点是犯有罪行的非法移民。 Utah is stepping up efforts to help President-elect Donald Trump with deportations, focusing on illegal immigrants who have committed crimes. 州长Spencer Cox旨在查明并消除与犯罪有关的人员,包括委内瑞拉监狱团伙成员Tren de Aragua。 Governor Spencer Cox aims to identify and remove those linked to crime, including members of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua. 国家将与联邦机构合作,以司法系统中的犯罪分子为目标,同时仍然欢迎合法移民和难民。 The state will work with federal agencies to target criminals in the justice system, while still welcoming lawful immigrants and refugees.