泰国的NIA选择了八家健康创业企业在德国Medica 2024展示创新。 Thailand's NIA selects eight health startups to showcase innovations at Medica 2024 in Germany.
泰国国家创新机构(NIA)已选择8个医疗和保健新开办企业在德国Medica 2024展示其创新。 The National Innovation Agency (NIA) of Thailand has chosen eight medical and health startups to showcase their innovations at Medica 2024 in Germany. 这次活动旨在提高泰国作为医疗创新枢纽的地位,并将这些新开办企业与欧洲的全球机遇和资金联系起来。 This event aims to enhance Thailand's position as a medical innovation hub and connect these startups with global opportunities and funding in Europe. 这些公司以前在NIA的支持下,将在世界最大的医疗贸易博览会上提出各种医疗解决方案,从先进的伤口敷料到水疗设备。 The companies, previously supported by the NIA, will present various medical solutions, from advanced wound dressings to hydrotherapy devices, at the world's largest medical trade fair.