塞拉利昂被截肢者面临歧视,但通过农业倡议获得独立。 Sierra Leonean amputees face discrimination but find independence through a farming initiative.
在塞拉利昂,许多被截肢者、内战和摩托车事故的受害者都面临歧视,经常在街头乞讨。 In Sierra Leone, many amputees, victims of the civil war and motorbike accidents, face discrimination and often beg on the streets. 帮助约100名截肢者通过耕作技能获得独立。 Mambud Samai's "Farming on Crutches" initiative is helping about 100 amputees gain independence through farming skills. 尽管取得了一些进展,但被截肢者仍在为获得医疗保健和就业机会而挣扎,许多像Alimany Kani这样的人呼吁政府支持和赔偿。 Despite some progress, amputees still struggle with access to healthcare and jobs, and many, like Alimany Kani, call for government support and reparations.