Shreveport市市长Arceneaux接受臀部外科手术;理事会主席Jackson担任临时市长。 Shreveport Mayor Arceneaux undergoes hip surgery; Council Chairman Jackson to serve as interim mayor.
由于持续的髋关节疼痛,什里夫波特市长 Tom Arceneaux 将于 12 月 27 日接受择期髋关节置换手术。 Shreveport Mayor Tom Arceneaux is set to undergo elective hip replacement surgery on December 27 due to persistent hip pain. 在预期的48-72小时恢复期内,理事会主席艾伦·杰克逊将担任临时市长。 During his expected 48-72 hour recovery period, Council Chairman Alan Jackson will serve as mayor pro tempore. 该市将继续在高级工作人员领导下正常运作,Arceneaux市长预计全面恢复和复职。 The city will continue to operate normally under senior staff leadership, and Mayor Arceneaux anticipates a full recovery and return to duties.