尼日利亚州长将动物园转变为奢侈地产,引发环境保护恐惧。 Nigerian governors convert zoos into luxury estates, sparking environmental conservation fears.
尼日利亚州长正在将养护中心和动物园转变为奢侈地产, Nigerian governors are converting conservation centers and zoos into luxury estates, a move that threatens environmental conservation. 在埃努古,动物园被关闭,牲畜被迁移,当时的土地被用于政府官员(包括总督彼得·姆巴)拥有的较大规模的庄园。 In Enugu, the zoo was closed, and animals were relocated, with the land then used for upscale estates owned by government officials, including Governor Peter Mbah. 这一转变剥夺了社区的教育和娱乐空间,引起对生态影响的担忧。 This shift deprives the community of educational and recreational spaces, raising concerns about ecological impacts.