Mookie Betts在《世界大赛》中面临粉丝干预,导致被禁止的粉丝和Betts的公众沮丧。 Mookie Betts faced fan interference in the World Series, leading to banned fans and Betts' public frustration.
洛杉矶道奇队外野手穆基·贝茨 (Mookie Betts) 在洋基体育场举行的 2024 年世界大赛第 4 场比赛中面临球迷干扰,当时两名球迷试图从他的手套中拿走球。 Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Mookie Betts faced fan interference during Game 4 of the 2024 World Series at Yankee Stadium when two fans tried to take the ball from his glove. 仲裁人称之为粉丝干扰, 授予Betts出局, 球迷被禁止参加第5场比赛。 Umpires called fan interference, awarding Betts an out, and the fans were banned from Game 5. 两个月后, Betts 表达了他的挫折感, 说他会告诉球迷, “你们这些家伙,” 并承认他考虑向他们扔球。 Two months later, Betts expressed his frustration, saying he would tell the fans, "F*** you guys," and admitted he considered throwing the ball at them. 尽管发生了这件事,但道奇队赢得了世界系列赛. Despite the incident, the Dodgers won the World Series.