墨西哥开发应用程序, 提醒亲属和领事馆, 以防美国移民担心拘留。 Mexico develops app to alert relatives and consulates if U.S. migrants fear detention.
墨西哥正在为美国移民开发一个移动应用程序, 提醒近亲及领馆若认为即将遭拘留, Mexico is developing a mobile app for migrants in the U.S. that alerts relatives and the nearest consulate if they believe they are about to be detained. 此应用程序目前正在测试中, 并定于1月启动, 允许用户按下按钮发送通知 。 The app, currently in testing and set to launch in January, allows users to press a button to send notifications. 这项倡议回应了当选总统唐纳德·特朗普关于大规模驱逐的威胁。 This initiative responds to President-elect Donald Trump's threats of mass deportations. 墨西哥还增加了领事人员和法律援助,并设立了一个24/7呼叫中心来协助移徙者。 Mexico has also increased consular staff and legal aid and established a 24/7 call center to assist migrants.