发现伤势严重并被空运到医院的男子,原因不明,正在调查中。 Man with severe injuries found and airlifted to hospital; cause unknown, under investigation.
一名50多岁时受重伤的男子在Dargaville医院被扔下,后来空运到Whangarei医院接受手术。 A man in his late 50s with serious injuries was dropped off at Dargaville Hospital and later airlifted to Whangārei Hospital for surgery. 下午10时40分,即最初发现他大约5小时后,通知了警方。 Police were notified at 10:40 pm, about five hours after he was initially found. 他受伤的原因仍然不明,正在调查之中。 The cause of his injuries is still unknown and under investigation.