喀拉拉邦被停职的IAS官员要求从社交媒体上对指控进行澄清. Kerala's suspended IAS officer requests clarification on charges from social media posts.
被停职的IAS官员N. Prasanth已要求喀拉拉邦首席秘书澄清因社交媒体职位对他发出的控告备忘录。 Suspended IAS officer N. Prasanth has requested the Kerala Chief Secretary for clarification on a charge memo issued against him due to social media posts. Prasanth因在网上批评其他官员而被暂停执行。 Prasanth was suspended for criticizing other officials online. 他在信中质疑程序问题,寻求关于社交媒体证据的来源和真实性的信息,并要求有机会在采取进一步行动之前提出自己的立场。 In his letter, he questions the procedural aspects, seeks information on the sourcing and authenticity of the social media evidence, and demands an opportunity to present his side before further action.