爱尔兰彩票在2023年募集近2.28亿欧元用于慈善事业, Ireland's lottery raised nearly €228 million for charity in 2023, funding projects nationwide.
2023年,爱尔兰国家彩票为良好事业筹集了近2.28亿欧元,使2014年以来的总额达到21亿欧元,自1989年以来超过60亿欧元。 In 2023, Ireland's National Lottery raised nearly €228 million for good causes, bringing the total since 2014 to €2.1 billion and over €6 billion since 1989. 报告显示,每周有120万人参加比赛,每个欧元支出的27美分用于好事业。 The report shows 1.2 million people played weekly, with 27 cents of every euro spent going to good causes. 2023年向各部门拨款4.054亿欧元,增加了1 150万欧元。 €405.4 million was allocated to various sectors in 2023, an increase of €11.5 million. Donegal铁路遗产博物馆的档案系统和交互式蒸汽计程车设计等项目获得了资助。 Projects like the Donegal Railway Heritage Museum's archive system and interactive steam cab design were funded. 首席执行官强调了透明度和继续为社区项目供资的重要性。 The CEO emphasized the importance of transparency and continued funding for community projects.