爱尔兰今年有263宗器官移植记录, Ireland records 263 organ transplants this year as new "deemed consent" law takes effect.
今年,爱尔兰进行了263次器官移植,包括肾脏、肝脏、肺部、心脏和胰腺。 This year, Ireland saw 263 organ transplants, including kidneys, livers, lungs, hearts, and pancreases. 《2024年人体组织法》将引入器官捐赠“视为同意”,允许使用器官,除非捐赠者选择退出。 The Human Tissue Act 2024 will introduce "deemed consent" for organ donation, allowing organs to be used unless the donor opted out. 圣诞节期间,11个捐赠者在联合王国捐赠了35个器官,帮助等候名单上的病人。 Over Christmas, 35 organs were donated in the UK from 11 donors, aiding patients on waiting lists. 在美国,关于器官捐赠的类似讨论和关于器官捐赠愿望的家庭对话的重要性受到鼓励,以帮助解决对移植的大量需求。 In the US, similar discussions on organ donation and the importance of family conversations about organ donation wishes are encouraged to help address the high demand for transplants.