印度国家绿色法庭强调了太阳能板废物风险,敦促更好地回收利用。 India's National Green Tribunal highlights solar panel waste risks, urging better recycling.
印度国家绿色法庭对太阳能电池板的不当处置,特别是在农村地区,提出了关切。 The National Green Tribunal in India has raised concerns over the improper disposal of solar panels, particularly in rural areas. 一名农民的请愿书强调,对含有铅和镉等有害物质的受损电池板缺乏适当的处置系统。 A farmer's petition highlighted the lack of a proper disposal system for damaged panels, which contain harmful materials like lead and cadmium. 法庭敦促政府处理这些环境风险,并执行更好的回收程序。 The tribunal is urging the government to address these environmental risks and implement better recycling protocols.